Yes. I am alive. I have been quite busy, which has kept me from sitting down and writing to you.
So, what have I been up to? Well, I was hired for a two-month writing project for a leading education publisher. I also served on two planning committees for events at my church (an awards ceremony and the church anniversary) held a week apart from each other. Add to that a proofreading project I did for two friends who are starting a consulting business, my daughter's track season, and various spring concerts (FOUR, between my TWO children!). I also trained for and ran a 5K in there somewhere and am preparing for another. Oh yeah; I also hosted my brother and his family (including a nephew on the way!) for the holiday weekend. It's been a whirlwind.
So what next? Well, my student mentoring job is taking a hiatus for the summer because the kids will be out of school; I start back in August. While I was concerned about what to do when that position ended for the summer, I wasn't really because I knew something would come. In God's infinite wisdom and plan, He has provided me with just the right thing to allow me to work and be flexible for the summer. Instead of working as a mentor, I will be working for two companies. I will be writing assessments for teaching exams for one company (10 questions minimum per month). I'll also be writing elementary video modules/lessons for the other. I'm pretty excited because every project I get allows me to build my portfolio and moves me one step to working on a more regular basis. (My goal is to do what I am doing for a specific company with more regular hours instead of working on a project-by-project basis.) The schedule allows me to be flexible with my children this summer; I can write while they are taking their music lessons or doing their summer academic projects.
I've been listening and working on what God has been sharing with me. We just finished our care groups at church and have been talking about wisdom and true worship. I've been reflecting on those two topics, particularly the worship aspect. I am working on that and am excited to see what comes out of the experience.
I'll be sure to share. :)